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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

Project partners from Maike Krauss from FiBL and Laurens van Run from Wageningen University &…

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DiverIMPACTS partners from Wageningen University and Research, Dirk van Apeldoorn, Isabella Selin…

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The NEFERTITI project organised an online course "How to produce your own farm video to enhance…

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DiverIMPACTS partners Christoph Tebbe and Bei Liu from the Thünen Institute have provided a new…

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In 2015, DiverIMPACTS partners Arvalis and Terres Inovia initiated experimental platforms in several…

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In order to determine how the strategies tested in the field experiments affect biodiversity,…

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A recent scientific article by Kevin Morel, Eva Revoyron, Magali San Cristobal and Philippe Baret…

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Value Chains can play an important role in crop diversification in food systems due to the…

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DiverIMPACTS and its Horizon 2020 partner project Diverfarming represented the Crop Diversification…

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In collaboration with DiverIMPACTS case study 11 “Co-design of diversified systems in Western…

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