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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

Recreating a link between stock breeding and arable crops is a current agro-ecological concern. This…

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Antoine Messéan, the project coordinator writes about the work being done in the H2020 'crop…

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An inventory of existing tools and methods for crop diversification was conducted, aiming to…

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Do you know of any initiatives that work toward building localised food networks for novel grains…

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In order to determine how the strategies tested in the field experiments affect biodiversity,…

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DiverIMPACTS tests innovative cropping systems combining temporal and spatial diversification…

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The DiverIMPACTS project makes use of a wide range of dissemination tools, such as videos, practice…

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After identifying barriers to crop diversification, the DiverIMPACTS project will support selected…

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Are you familiar with M. C. Escher, the Dutch artist whose artwork reinterprets perspective and…

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DiverIMPACTS aims to develop an indicator framework to evaluate the sustainability of diversified…

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