WUR-FC - Wageningen University & Research, Field Crops, The Netherlands

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is a collaboration between two legal entities, the Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation. The latter consists of a number of specialized institutes for strategic and applied research in the domain of agriculture, food and environment. Field Crops is a business unit of the Wageningen Research foundation. Field Crops conducts research through co-innovations with partners from different agricultural sectors, science, industry and government. The teams of Field Crops involved in DiverIMPACTS are specialized in farming systems research, soil management, farm mechanisation, farm and food chain economy, co-innovation and multi-actor processes.
Field Crops is managing or involved in various programs and projects related to the topic of mixed cropping in time and space. Field Crops is managing a range of field experiments related to intercropping in time and space. Moreover, Field Crops is closely working with farmers who are experimenting with several aspects of mixed cropping systems including the development of mechanisation.
Role in the project
Wageningen University & Research, Business unit Field Crops is task leader in work package 2 and 5, has a case study in WP2, is a field experiment leader and partner in work package 3 and partner in work package 4, 6 and 7.
Key persons involved
- Ir. Wijnand Sukkel, Leader task 5.2
- Ir. Fogelina Cuperus
- Ir. Jorieke Potters
- Ir. Daniel de Jong, Leader task 2.1