Work package 7: Transfer, dissemination and communication of the project outcomes

Work package 7 is carrying out multi-directional dissemination and communication activities to ensure effective dissemination towards all relevant target and user groups (farmers, farmers’ advisors, breeders, agri-business industry, policy makers and authorities, society and consumers, scientific community including students), thus striving to maximise practical applicability and usefulness and to achieve long-term impacts of the project’s results along the whole value chain.
Key outcomes and materials include
- a dedicated website giving access to all the projects results etc.;
- a wide range of dissemination materials for knowledge exchange among farmers and further target groups (videos, practice abstracts, manuals, policy briefs, newsletters, etc.), to be developed with input from stakeholders;
- a proactive communication and promotion strategy to communicate the project and its results to a broad audience – both at the European and the national levels;
- two project conferences to exchange experiences and results not only among the project partners and stakeholders but also with partners of other Horizon 2020 projects.
Providing attractive, ready to use tools and materials described below, WP7 is strongly enhancing the impact of the project by helping farmers and other actors along the value chain to adapt techniques of crop diversification and thus contributing to higher arable land productivity, to lowering negative environmental impact, to improving the delivery of ecosystem services.
- Dr. Helga Willer, FiBL, Work package leader
- Callum Bennett, LEAF, Work package co-leader