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De DiverIMPACTS-casestudies

DiverIMPACTS zal voortbouwen op bestaande ervaringen met gewasdiversificatie door 25 multi-actor casestudies in hun dynamische transitie te begeleiden en co-innovatieprocessen te versterken. De casestudies worden gecoördineerd door werkpakket 2 "Bevordering van gewasdiversificatie in casestudies door middel van actorgericht onderzoek".

Elke casestudy wordt vertegenwoordigd door een casestudiegids en een casestudymonitor en toegewezen aan een van de vijf innovatieclusters:

  • Cluster 1: Dienstgewassen
  • Cluster 2: Gewasdiversificatie onder ongunstige omstandigheden
  • Cluster 3: Gewasdiversificatie in systemen uit West-Europa
  • Cluster 4: Diversificatie door intercropping, met speciale aandacht voor zaaddragende leguminosen
  • Cluster 5: Diversificatie van groenteteeltsystemen

Nieuws uit de casestudies

The 25 DiverIMPACTS case studies are developing and testing novel forms of crop diversification at…

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Crop diversification in semiarid environments proves to be challenging at both the agroecological…

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Video: Integrating legumes in the crop rotation

In this video, four Romanian DiverIMPACTS project members talk about their challenges and…

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The DiverIMPACTS case studies are facing barriers at different levels of the value chain. Work…

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How can the capacity to support innovation be developed? Two series of co-innovation workshops paved…

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Case studies working on diversifying cropping systems are at the core of the DiverIMPACTS project.…

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One of the central aspects of DiverIMPACTS is the 25 case studies, which demonstrate the potential…

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On October 2-4, 2017, the first co-innovation workshop with DiverIMPACTS case study partners was…

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On 27 June 2017, the actor group of the DiverIMPACTS case study 1 on breaking maize monoculture held…

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DiverIMPACTS builds on existing experiences of crop diversification by accompanying 25 multi-actor…

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