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Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification

Authors: Emmanuel Mérot, Maurice Miara, Jérémy Berthomier

Problem: There is a general lack of engagement from grain farmers to crop diversification, namely due to limited markets and outlets for harvested products. On the flip side, within the dairy sector, there is reliance on imported soybean and it is currently hard to substitute this cheap source of protein with locally produced protein crops.

Solution: One solution is to increase crop diversification in arable systems, while increasing locally produced protein in livestock systems, by facilitating and promoting win-win exchanges between grain and livestock farmers. Livestock farmers can use protein crops produced by local grain farmers, thus offering a local outlet for enhancing crop diversification in arable systems.

English: Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification

French: Augmenter les échanges entre agriculteurs pour faciliter la diversification des cultures

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