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DiverIMPACTS Practice abstractsShort, concise factsheets with information ranging from agricultural techniques and how to diversify cropping systems to dissemination and enhancing actor networks Per saperne di più
Joining forces to diversify European agricultureCrop Diversification Cluster Per saperne di più
DiverIMPACTS final conferenceWatch the conference recording and see the proceedings Per saperne di più
DiverIMPACTS success storiesFind out more about selected success success stories across EuropePer saperne di più

DiverIMPACTS - Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains towards Sustainability

About DiverIMPACTS

The DiverIMPACTS - Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains towards Sustainability - project came to an end in 2022. The overall goal was to achieve the full potential of diversification of cropping systems for improved productivity, delivery of ecosystem services and resource-efficient and sustainable value chains. DiverIMPACTS receives funding of the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme. More


DiverIMPACTS has produced many practice abstracts focusing on topics ranging from agricultural…


The Legume Hub is a self-publishing knowledge platform for original articles, videos, images and…


DiverIMPACTS has produced a range of videos convering topics such as promoting local legumes, hemp…


This policy brief addresses the following key messages:

  • The implementation of crop…

DiverIMPACTS has gathered a wide range of actors of the agri-food system to achieve the full…


Recent crop diversification experiences and scientific literature have been analysed using two…


The 25 DiverIMPACTS case studies are developing and testing novel forms of crop diversification at…


Based on the results from the DiverIMPACTS field experiments covering a range of spatial and…

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