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Work package 6: Strategies, methods and tools to sustain crop diversification all along the value chain

WP6 is developing comprehensive and long-term strategies, recommendations and tools to promote the adoption of crop diversification within the current sociotechnical system. This work package has set up a Stakeholder Platform to monitor project outcomes and develop recommendations for relevant sectors along the value chain; and is i) evaluating existing, and developing improved decision support and learning tools that help farmers and advisors assess various diversification alternatives; ii) proposing professional training and education strategies adapted to enable and increase crop diversification; iii) setting up, with local public and regional managers, a roadmap to include cropping system diversification as a key target in their strategies; and iv) proposing, with national and European managers, agricultural policy instruments and economic incentives that can be implemented to foster crop diversification in the long term.


  • Katie Bliss, ORC, Work package leader
  • Sylvain Sturel, APCA, Work package co-leader
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