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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

On June 16th, 2019, the Associazione Sviluppo Rurale (ASR) in cooperation with the farm Coste del…


About 50 farmers, advisors, scientists and stakeholders from the value chain came to the FiBL field…


From June 3 to 5, 2019, the second annual meeting of the DiverIMPACTS project–took place in Alnarp,…


Organic soybean production and the development of the product path of organic soybeans in Hungary…


The European Conference on Crop Diversification will explore how we can achieve the full potential…


UCL organised a 2-day visit to farms in Western France with experience in small scale dehulling of…


On 15 March 2019, the Working Group on Multi-criteria Assessment and Sustainability met for the…


What are the benefits of spatial and temporal diversification? Based on the first data collected…


One goal of DiverIMPACTS is to foster learning networks across national borders in Europe. An…


The DiverIMPACTS project developed a dataset providing a comprehensive synthesis of existing…

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