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Field visit about intercropping with grain legumes attracts attention

Aerial view of crops in a field.

The field tour was organised in collaboration with the ReMIX project, represented by a pea/barley intercropping trial at the same site. Photo: FiBL, Thomas Alföldi

About 50 farmers, advisors, scientists and stakeholders from the value chain came to the FiBL field visit in Fislisbach, canton Aargau, on 7 June 2019 to discuss the latest findings about intercropping with grain legumes. FiBL scientists and advisors presented the various field trials that are ongoing in the EU projects DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED and LegValue and a breeding project financed by Swiss Federal Agency for Agriculture (FOAG).

These trials address a wide range of topics: breeding for varieties that are ideally suited for intercropping, best management practices, market situation and new developments, as well as the importance of intercropping for biodiversity and the environment. Since mills in Switzerland will soon offer to process and separate conventionally produced cereal-legume mixtures, intercropping becomes more and more important beyond the scope of organic farming.

Further information


Maike Krauss, FiBL Switzerland



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