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Vacancy for post-doctoral candidate at Wageningen University

Wageningen University is looking for an enthusiastic, practice-oriented and result-driven Post-doctoral candidate to work in the framework of a new multi-disciplinary Core-Organic project called ‘Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production’ (SureVEG), funded by NWO.


  • You are highly motivated to study organic diverse cropping systems and hold a PhD degree in agro-ecology, agronomy or a related field, with experience in field experimentation and quantitative analysis of results. Experience in simulation modelling and/or programming will add to your suitability for the position.
  • You derive joy and inspiration from working with farmers to find solutions.
  • You enjoy scientific writing in English and have high-quality examples that show this.
  • You have a proven ability to work in diversified teams and collaborate with a range of actors in agro-ecosystems.
  • You have a drivers licence valid for the Netherlands.

Salary and appointment details

In principle this is a 24 month full time Postdoc position, which can be proportionately extended in case of a part-time contract (minimum 0.8 or full time employment). Wageningen JUniversity offers a temporary contract for 12 months, which will be extended to the full term in case of good performance. Salary will be up to € 4.084 gross per month, based on a full-time appointment (38 hours a week) and scale 10 of the CAO Dutch Universities. In addition, a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-the-year bonus of 8.3% of the annual salary is offered.

Futher information


Link Full vacancy description


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