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The DiverIMPACTS toolbox

A diversity of tools, resources and levers already exist to foster crop diversification. But how can you identify tools and resources for your particular needs? Whether you are a farmer, an advisor, an actor of the value chain or another actor, the DiverIMPACTS toolbox aims to help you identify the most relevant ones from our database.

The DiverIMPACTS partners have gathered 143 tools and resources (decision-making tools, documents, calculators, videos and games) in a database. Each tool is described with detailed information about the targeted end-user, the type of production it addressed, the scale of the tool (from the field to the value-chain level), the diversification strategy, the expected impact (e.g., agronomic, environmental, economic) and more. The tools and resources are mainly provided by DiverIMPACTS partners and the Crop Diversification Cluster members. 

The DiverIMPACTS toolbox has been designed to help users identify tools in this database. Both the database and the toolbox have recently been updated, offering a larger number of tools and a more user-friendly interface.

On the DiverIMPACTS website, users can access the toolbox homepage and define their needs by answering a series of questions (Figure 1). Using an aggregative model to sort the results, the toolbox then generates a shortlist of the most relevant tools and resources in the results section (Figure 2). The user can filter the results with additional criteria, and get more details about a precise resource by clicking on the tool description button. A radar chart will then detail how precisely this tool meets each of the user’s criteria (Figure 3).

Further information


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