The aim of the event was the creation of new bridges between the research world and other agricultural sectors. Special attention was dedicated to sustainable agricultural practices, to the production and valorisation of seeds and local breeds, and to the analysis of factors that obstruct and/or promote quality on Italian and European farms. The Info Day was a great opportunity to meet experts, farmers, researchers and many other actors with different skills interested in sharing ideas and experiences.
Several European projects capable of implementing co-innovation and cooperation were presented, with a special focus on DiverIMPACTS (financed by Horizon 2020). The activities that had been realized so far were presented to the participants. Furthermore, the case study that ASR and CREA are working on were presented. The spotlight was also on local crops, short value chains, and sustainable agricultural practices as well as on the benefits of strip cropping, a technique which will be tested by interested farmers in Italy over the next 4 years. This technique was further demonstrated on an experimental field created and managed by CREA OF.
The Info Day was a great opportunity to maximize the synergies between EU projects and to increase the visibility of key results. Establishing new connections with local stakeholders to enhance the territorial cooperation on DiverIMPACTS was one of the key outcomes.
Further information
Laura Ridolfi, Associazione sviluppo rurale
Gabriele Campanelli, CREA
Programme Programme of the Info Day (Italian)
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