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Sharing the results of the survey on crop diversification experiences in Europe and preparing the qualitative interviews

The first survey on crop diversification across Europe was completed in early 2018. Based on the results, we are now preparing a user-friendly application for sharing the data collected with DiverIMPACTS partners and the public. Qualitative interviews on specific crop diversification experiences will also commence soon.

Figure 1: Main types of crop diversification experiences across regions of Europe. This kind of plot would be the output of the survey visualizer application. Source: Dóra Drexler, Frédéric Vanwindekens, Louise Legein, Cordula Mertens, Tímea Jung, Didier Stilmant & Antoine Messéan. (2018). Survey of European Crop Diversification Experiences - First Results of the DiverIMPACTS Project. Zenodo.

As part of the DiverIMPACTS project, we conducted a survey on various crop diversification experiences across Europe. DiverIMPACTS partners from each partner country and from other European projects participated and filled in the online survey form. The participation was a success with more than 120 experiences recorded.

The survey responses were analysed and reported at two international conferences: a poster was presented at the 16th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy in Geneva, Switzerland, and a presentation was given at the 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences in Eisenstadt, Austria. The Italian DiverIMPACTS partners (CREA, FIRAB) also published an article with early results based on a sample of Italian experiences.

Given the quantity of variables in the data sets and their interest for both DiverIMPACTS partners and other stakeholders, we decided to carry on this work with the development of a user-friendly, web-based application.

Our ‘survey visualizer’ is a simple but powerful tool that can be used to plot the results of the interview questions and colour graphs according to categorical factors, i.e. other questions or main variables (e.g, regions of Europe). It is already working internally (figure 1). We are now evaluating the various ways to share this application with partners and the public, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

As a next step, qualitative interviews will be conducted to understand the dynamics of the developments of crop diversification experiences, by identifying key drivers, stakeholders, failure factors, etc.


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