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Promoting crop diversification for more sustainable agri-food systems: DiverIMPACTS policy brief

Crop diversification can support agroeco-logical transitions towards sustainable agri-food systems, mitigate climate change and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is necessary to continuously adapt crop diversification strategies, crops and crop management practices to local contexts in order to fully benefit from crop diversification.

DiverIMPACTS policy brief

The policy brief has several key messages:

  • Crop diversification can support a transition towards more sustainable agri-food systems, mitigate climate change and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Current national and European agri-food systems are still very much centred on dominant crops and associated long value chains;
  • Crop diversification is hindered by barriers throughout the agri-food system. Such barriers should be removed through systems approaches, which take the whole system into account;
  • Collaboration, innovation and learning among actors are key factors to scale out crop diversification;
  • It is necessary to combine various diversification strategies that are adapted to local conditions and needs, and which evolve over time;
  • Systems approaches and decision-support tools are needed to support actors along crop diversification pathways.

Further information Promoting crop diversification for more sustainable agri-food systems: DiverIMPACTS policy brief


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