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Inventory of tools for crop diversification available for farmers and advisers

The database provides an overview of existing tools and methods to promote crop diversification strategies (rotation, multiple cropping, intercropping) at different levels (including the value chain and territory levels).

Workpackage 6 of the DiverIMPACTS project produced an inventory of tools for crop diversification available for farmers and advisors. This inventory includes tools and methods developed to promote one or more crop diversification strategies as well as tools and methods developed to achieve an expected impact (and crop diversification may be a way of achieving this impact). By tool, we mean anything used as a means to support the user in decision making. By method, we mean a particular procedure for supporting the user in decision making. Tools and methods can be used in the form of software, online tools, paper sheets, mobile applications, etc.

More information Inventory of tools for crop diversification 


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