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In memorium Pascal Parache

The DiverIMPACTS project is deeply sorry to announce that Pascal Parache, monitor of the Romanian case study, passed away last February as a result of an accident.

Pascal Parache presenting case study 8 at a DiverIMPACTS co-innovation workshop in 2017. Photo: Walter Rossing

Pascal had been involved in DiverIMPACTS since the very beginning, when we initiated the project in 2015. Throughout his career he paid special attention to the development of innovations aiming to increase farming systems sustainability. He contributed in many ways, including

  • valorising cereal - pea mixtures under whole silage and the development of NIRS calibrations to analyse them,
  • mobilising sustainability assessment methods to help farmers continuously improve their farms in line with societal expectation, and
  • developing on-farm biomass and bioenergy facilities. 

He enriched the DiverIMPACTS project with his experience of agricultural systems in Romania, where he used to work as a farm manager and subsequently as an advisor.

He was fully committed to the project, linking his case study with the other work packages and fulfilling the ambitions of DiverIMPACTS.  

He was above all a humanist who cared about the others. We all miss him.


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