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Expanding the network of actors supporting crop diversification

DiverIMPACTS and its Horizon 2020 partner project Diverfarming represented the Crop Diversification Cluster at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Seattle, Washington on 13-15 February 2020. The projects also met with the Diversified Agroecosystems Research cluster of the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) to initiate international networking. The Crop Diversification Cluster brings together research projects which operate in countries across Europe to increase the impact of crop diversification research.

The AAAS is the world’s largest general scientific society and the AAAS Annual meeting is one of the world’s largest annual scientific gatherings, with more than 9,000 attendees from 50 countries this year. The European Commission (EC) sponsored the event, and EU-funded projects, supported by the Research Executive Agency (REA), showcased their outcomes in five AAAS sessions. Addressing the conference theme “Envisioning Tomorrow’s Earth”, our session focused on how crop diversification and value chain reorganisation can help restore the global food supply in a sustainable manner.

Our session was organised around three talks:

The three talks provided the ground for a lively discussion with the session attendees (Picture 1). During the session, Francesco Guarnaccia, a drawer in the European ERCcOMICS project, made a live drawing of his interpretation of take-home messages (Picture 2).

DiverIMPACTS and Diverfarming also represented the Crop Diversification cluster to the Diversified Agroecosystems Research cluster of the University of British Columbia (UBC-DARC, Vancouver, Canada) to initiate international networking (Picture 3). We presented our clusters and discussed potential linkages between the two clusters with a particular emphasis on multi-criteria assessments at the farm level. We also visited the UBC Farm, which acts as the Living Laboratory of several projects lead by members of the UBC-DARC.

Further information 



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