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DiverIMPACTS dissemination

The DiverIMPACTS project makes use of a wide range of dissemination tools, such as videos, practice abstracts, a stakeholder forum, and social media in order to inform the DiverIMPACTS community of what is happening in the project, promote stakeholder awareness and ensure access to and uptake of information, materials and results.

Screenshot of the DiverIMPACTS website

Most recently, we launched a discussion forum on the DiverIMPACTS website, where various project-related topics can be discussed. For example, the first DiverIMPACTS practice abstract, which provides practical tips for fertilization in maize using catch crops, can now be discussed on the forum. Other relevant discussion topics will be continuously added.

In addition, we uploaded two new videos to the DiverIMPACTS YouTube channel. The first video, which is set at the first DiverIMPACTS annual meeting in Almere, the Netherlands, provides an overview of the project aims as well as the range of activities the project will carry out. The second video outlines the DiverIMPACTS field experiments, what the aims are, as well as how they will feed into the wider project. Stay tuned for new videos, which will be added to the DiverIMPACTS YouTube channel throughout the duration of the project.

In order to ensure effective exchange with stakeholders, DiverIMPACTS also has a stakeholder forum, an online platform on which the DiverIMPACTS project members aim to come into an active dialogue with representatives from key sectors along the value chain of crop diversification. The forum also provides a platform for disseminating updates and developments.

The DiverIMPACTS project website is also continually updated with news about project results and other activities going on in the project. Similarly, our Twitter and Facebook accounts are regularly updated with interesting news.


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