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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

Preliminary data collected from the ten DiverIMPACTS field experiments show many benefits of spatial…


On arable farms without livestock, nitrogen insufficiency can occur when cultivating…

Crop diversification cluster has a new website!

The crop diversification cluster, made up of European research projects which aim to increase the…


The DiverIMPACTS project developed a framework for policy analysis to be applied to the DiverIMPACTS…


At the European Conference on Crop Diversification, several actors came together to discuss why a…

The book of abstracts for the European Conference on Crop Diversification is now available

The book of abstract contains all presentations as well as the results from the workshops.


The second in-person meeting of the DiverIMPACTS stakeholder platform was held on September 16 and…


The crop diversification cluster, which is made up of six H2020 projects, has a new flyer to…


Nienburg – Three years of extreme weather demanded a lot, not only from farms in Lower Saxony, but…


Within the framework of DiverIMPACTS, a very interesting meeting took place on October 8th in the…

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