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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

The DiverIMPACTS case studies are facing barriers at different levels of the value chain. Work…


DiverIMPACTS aims to develop an adapted analytical framework to evaluate the sustainability and…


The network of 10 field experiments across Europe aims to demonstrate the benefits of crop…


How can the capacity to support innovation be developed? Two series of co-innovation workshops paved…


An online survey showed that there is a rich variety of experiences with crop diversification across…


The DiverIMPACTS project, which was launched in June, 2017, held its first annual meeting in Almere,…


On June 21, an organic field day (BioVelddag 2018) will take place in Lelystad, The Netherlands.…


The aim of the third SISA (System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture  workshop is to bring…


Based on discussions at the "Spring Days" event held by the AFPF (French Association for Forage…


This DiverIMPACTS survey aims to describe tools and methods that could potentially support crop…

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