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Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop

Authors: Aline Vandewalle, Stéphanie Guibert, Marion Thiechard, Fabien Guerin, Hauke Ahnemann

Problem: More frequent droughts in summer lead to unreliable forage production for farmers. In addition, farmers highly depend on imported soybean for milk production.

Solution: Forage production, based on silage maize, can be improved by introducing a mixture of legumes and cereals (oat and vetches) prior to sowing silage maize, creating another source of silage earlier in the season.

zenodo.org: Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop

zenodo.org: Augmenter la production de fourrage avec les mélanges légumineuses-céréales en seconde culture

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