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Work package 1: Identification of success and failure factors of crop diversification

The aim of WP1 if to identify and analyse factors of success and failure associated with a  variety of crop diversification experiences (CDE) that will be collated outside those already represented in the consortium through the case studies (CSs). The analysis will make it feasible to consolidate or update the tentative typology of crop diversification situations that was used to set up DiverIMPACTS and select CSs. In addition, it should complement the identification and characterisation of barriers to crop diversification. To do so, fuzzy cognitive mapping methodology through open interviews with key actors of value chain related to the experiences (from farmers to consumers) will be used. In addition to this survey, literature search and existing meta-analyses on crop diversification benefits and drivers will be assessed, synthesised and updated whenever relevant.

More information


  • Dr. Frédéric Vanwindekens, CRA-W, Work package leader
  • Dr. Dora Drexler, ÖMKi, Work package co-leader


Publications from workpackage 1 on Zenodo


shinyapp.cra.wallonie.be: Survey visualizer app (quantitative survey on crop diversification experiences)

cropdiversification.shinyapps.io: Dashboard for meta-analyses on crop diversification at the global scale

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