Work package 2: Promoting crop diversification in case studies through actor-oriented research

Work package 2 will structure the dynamics of 25 case studies in five Innovation Clusters. Each case study is represented by a case study leader and a case study monitor having the role to guide and facilitate activities and actors interaction. The case study teams together constitute the ‘learning-for-innovation platform’, a community of practice facilitated by a Platform Hosting Team that provides concepts and tools to capacitate the teams. The platform allows case study teams to benefit from knowledge and experiences in other case studies and connect to the other work packages.
For each case study, an iterative co-innovation process, including already identified value chain actors beyond those involved as partners is implemented to:
- define the current motivation and specific objectives for crop diversification,
- co-adapt innovative diversified cropping systems in an iterative and context-dependent way,
- identify the bottlenecks and technical solutions that will be further addressed by other work packages,
- define with work package 4 (assessments) the indicators that are most relevant to assess the sustainability of innovative, diversified cropping systems, and
- assess relevant innovative schemes resulting from work package 3 or work package 5.
The innovation processes in the case studies and in the platform are monitored to enhance learning and keep energy high, in line with current insights in innovation science.
More information
- Dr. Walter Rossing, WUR-FSE, Work package leader
- Luca Colombo, Firab, Work package co-leader