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The Legume Hub: Empowering the European legume development community

The Legume Hub is a self-publishing knowledge platform for original articles, videos, images and viewpoints about Legumes. The platform promotes knowledge of legume use from cropping systems to consumption, important pieces in the complex puzzle of transitioning to more sustainable food systems.

We depend on plant protein from legumes for our food and our feed. But in Europe we face a fundamental challenge: a protein deficit that amounts to a net import of about 15 million tonnes of plant protein for the European Union. The cultivation of legume crops such as soybeans, lupins, peas and many others helps to diversify cropping systems, reduces European reliance on imported plant protein and creates value in rural regions. Due to the low production volume of legumes, European farms forfeit the agricultural, economic and environmental benefits of more diverse cropping systems. A crucial part of the solution is developing the legume production in Europe. This is where the Legume Hub comes into play.

All who have relevant practical or research-based expertise are invited to register and thereby join the Legume Hub Community.  Users include:

  • Farmers as growers and users of legumes
  • Breeders
  • Processors for feed and food purposes
  • Project consortia and teams, and
  • All involved in the related parts of the value chains

Legume Hub members can publish articles or disseminate existing research reports, videos or photos. Contributors, their projects and organisations are given maximum recognition on the Legume Hub – each article is attributed to its author(s) and their organisations. Each is citable as a scientific or technical publication.

Further information

The Legume Hub was developed in the Legumes Translated thematic network project which was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Find out more on their website:


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