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Recommendations for overcoming barriers to crop diversification towards sustainable agriculture: DiverIMPACTS policy brief

Crop diversification is recognised as a cen-tral strategy to improve productivity, deliv-ery of ecosystem services and resilience of cropping systems. Nevertheless, the development of diversified cropping systems is still limited due to several barriers in the agri-food system. In this context, a detailed analysis of barri-ers to crop diversification was undertaken by the DiverIMPACTS project.

DiverIMPACTS policy brief

The key messages from the policy brief include:

  • The diversification of cropping systems is still limited due to barriers occurring at the farm level, along value chains as well as in the coordination between actors.
  • Different barriers affect niche and mainstream value chains.
  • Future policies should address barriers using a systems approach and should differentiate between innovations in niche and mainstream value chains.
  • Barriers can be addressed by monitoring the uptake of crop diversification, reallocating public and private resources towards agroecological practices and value chains based on mi-nor crops, providing financial support to actor networks to mitigate innovation risks, and communication campaigns to promote minor crops.

Further information

Zenodo.org: Recommendations for overcoming barriers to crop diversification towards sustainable agriculture


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