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Join the DiverIMPACTS survey on tools and methods to support crop diversification strategies

This DiverIMPACTS survey aims to describe tools and methods that could potentially support crop diversification strategies in Europe.

Anybody who uses or knows about a tool or a method that can support crop diversification can fill in the survey, which is available at https://framaforms.org/tools-and-methods-inventory-diverimpacts-project-1520500082

In the context of this questionnaire, “crop diversification” means the temporal and spatial diversification of crops through rotation, multiple cropping and intercropping. “Rotation” refers to growing different crop species on the same field in successive growing seasons. “Multiple cropping” means growing different crop species on the same field within a growing season. “Intercropping” means growing different species or cultivars in proximity in the same field.

We use the word "tool" to mean something designed to help or support the user with a decision, an assessment or a choice (of a crop association for example). A method is more a description of an action or a procedure to follow. Tools and methods can take the form of software, online tools, paper sheets, mobile applications, or others.

A new questionnaire must be filled out for each tool or method. The questionnaire takes about 10-20 minutes to fill in.

If you have any problems or comments on the questionnaire, please send an email to: Paul.CAPPEDEBAILLON(at)pl.chambagri.fr

More information


  • Paul Cappe de Baillon, APCA



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