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DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress: Cultivating diversity and food quality

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The DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress will be held in the Center of Congress in Rennes, France, from 10 to 12 December 2018. During the event, the project results and key lessons will be shared, covering 5 key concepts connected with crop diversity for resilient sustainable food systems:

  • Underutilized/forgotten crops: multi-actor and on farm evaluation
  • New approaches of plant breeding for diversified and sustainable farming systems
  • Community biodiversity management
  • Diversity and sustainability within food systems: new relationships among actors
  • Paradigm shift for muti-actor and transdisciplinary research

This scientific congress will be opened for external oral speakers and/or poster presentations, to better connect sister projects and researches with DIVERSIFOOD outputs.

The early-bird registration is open until 10 October 2018.

Further information



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