Third party of ACTA: ARVALIS - Institut du végétal, France
ARVALIS is in charge of applied research on cereals, maize, potatoes, flax, tobacco and forage crops. It is run and financed by farmers. It aims at developing, and providing tools, techniques and services to farmers, agricultural organizations and companies in order to produce always more, and better, in a context of evolving European and international rules-based environment and economics.
The Institute has effective means through 27 local sites in every region of France, with a broad range of activities. It operates from the field scale to post-harvest stages and first processes. ARVALIS works in strong relations with breeders and inputs firms (seeds, nutrients and phytochemicals), as well as feed, food and non-food industries. As an applied research institute, it interfaces with the basic research as INRAE, IRSTEA, CNRS, and universities (collaborating through various R&D projects) and the development organisms such as Chambers of Agriculture and economic operators (co-ops…).
Role in project
ARVALIS will be third party of ACTA, in WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6 and WP7. ARVALIS is responsible for the field experiment 8, which encompass the introduction of innovative crops and legumes and the diversification of arable winter crops. The Institute is leader of the cluster “Crop diversification in systems from Western Europe (RO)”; part of the Platform Hosting Team; in charge of Establishment, and maintenance of a network of FEs testing diversified cropping systems.
Key persons involved
- Clotilde Toqué, task leader 3.1
- Anne-Laure de Cordoue
- Florence Leprince
- Benoit Pages