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What’s happening in the DiverIMPACTS project?

With less than 15 months to go in the DiverIMPACTS project, partners are focusing on finalising deliverables, producing results and synthesising key messages to come out of the project. As many sister projects in the crop diversification cluster come to an end, DiverIMPACTS is also contributing to their final meetings.

DiverIMPACTS coordinator Antoine Messéan presenting at the first European Legumes in Transition webinar. Photo: Laura Fetzer

In the coming months, the project will work on integrating the results across work packages and identifying key outputs and policy recommendations. This was the focus of the fourth annual meeting held remotely in May.

Several key deliverables were produced by the end of May, providing the foundation for many important DiverIMAPCTS outcomes:

  • a strategy report on training and education needs and solutions to foster crop diversification,
  • preliminary cross-analysis of field experiments and case studies results after 3 growing seasons,
  • specifications on machinery needs,
  • main drivers of crop diversification at the farm level, and
  • a catalogue of solutions to remove barriers along value chains

As many of our sister projects (ReMIX, DIVERSify, LegValue and TRUE) in the crop diversification cluster come to an end, we have been sharing some of DiverIMPACTS’ key messages at their final conferences, including:

  • there is no one-size-fits-all solution as crop diversification is a dynamic and adaptive process,
  • multiactor and multicriteria tools are needed to help farmers define their own crop diversification pathway,
  • value chains actors should join efforts and coordinate actions to remove current barriers and make agrifood systems more sustainable

The cluster is currently working on how to maintain the momentum in the future

Further information

Final conference of the projects in the crop diversification cluster:

remix-intercrops.eu: ReMIX partners met (online) for the last time: time to say good bye! (March 25-26, 2021)

plant-teams.org: Update: Intercropping for Sustainability Conference (18-20 January, 2021)

legvalue.eu: Virtual Conference: "EUROPEAN LEGUMES IN TRANSITION" (14 April-11May, 2021)

true-project.eu: European Legumes in Transition (14 April-11May, 2021)


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