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Work package 4: Sustainability assessment of crop diversification at farm, value chain and territory levels

Work package 4 aims to adapt and expand multi-criteria assessment tools to evaluate sustainability of crop diversification, at farm, value chain and territory levels.

DiverIMPACTS is building on existing multi-criteria assessment tools that partners of the consortium have developed (based on Multi-Criteria Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis) to harmonise, across case studies and field experiments, the assessment of technical, economic, social and environmental performances of diversified systems as well as the delivery of ecosystem services (such as water quality and carbon sequestration).

The tools are being expanded

  • to include specific indicators (e.g., social and rural development dimensions) that the case study partners consider relevant to them,
  • to assess benefits and drawbacks of crop diversification at different scales (e.g., added value in the market place of diversified products, carry-over effects at the rotation and territorial levels) to make it possible accounting for the multiple trade-offs effects occurring when upscaling impacts both in time (from one growing season to the rotation) and in space (from field to the territory).


  • Dr. Frédérique Angevin, INRAE, Work package leader
  • Stefano Canali, CREA, Work package co-leader
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