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DiverIMPACTS news and news archive

In the early stages of the DiverIMPACTS project, a quantitative survey was done to identify the…


The first European Conference on Crop Diversification took place from the 18th to the 21st of…


Lock-ins of crop diversification can prevent cropping systems from becoming more diversified.…


Oilseed rape sown in summer only forms a dense canopy in the following spring. In autumn and winter,…


Modern varieties of winter rapeseed require a lot of nitrogen in early spring. In cool, moist and…


This video highlights the work being developed in Field experiment 6 of the DiverIMPACTS H2020…


Among legume crops, forage peas and field beans show the most symptoms of legume fatigue. This is…


At Les Culturales, an agricultural show about crops that took place in early June, Arvalis presented…


Crop diversification in semiarid environments proves to be challenging at both the agroecological…


The first European Conference on Crop Diversification will take place from the 18th to the 21st of…

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