Case study 16: The Netherlands: Spatial, temporal and genetic diversification of intensive systems
Cluster 4: Diversification through intercropping, with a special focus on grain legumes
There is a general concern among organic farmers that crop diversity is decreasing, also in their production systems. Strip cropping is seen as an interesting and very visible counter-movement. The objective of this case study was to rigorously test the idea of strip cropping on a large scale in experimental fields and on-farm to explore the real benefits for organic and non-organic arable cropping systems in north-western Europe, and provide scientific and experiential evidence of the added value for farmers, the environment and consumers.

What were the main problems underlying the emergence of the case study?
At the start of the DiverIMPACTS project, there was a general concern among organic farmers that diversity in their production systems was decreasing. Strip cropping (see poster below, Dutch) had just been proposed and was seen by some as an interesting and, for the citizens and consumers, very visible counter-movement. In this case study, a network of farmers that were interested in and practicing strip cropping was learning about several aspects of strip cropping, such as, application of machinery, crop combinations, involvement of personnel, advisors, contractors, business models as well as regulatory and quality assurance systems. Through the development of strip cropping knowledge among farmers, the case study focused on both agronomical and environmental gains. By designing the cultivation system smartly, we expected to be able to make an improvement for the farmer and the environment.
How was the problem addressed and which actors were involved?
From 2014 onwards, statistically designed field experiments had been implemented on research stations at two locations in The Netherlands representing sandy and clay soils, to investigate effects of strip width and crop composition on system performance. Agronomic and ecological monitoring quickly showed positive effects of growing crops in strips to slow down late blight epidemics in potato and strongly increase in-field insect biodiversity. While interesting, the experiments were considered ‘not practical’ by the general professional audience. This perception shifted following the implementation in strips of 3m, 6m, 12m and 48m width in the full 6-year crop rotation on a 40-ha field on a large commercial farm: ERF BV. This experience showed that strip cropping on a commercial scale was possible, and even led to an increase in satisfaction of the farm field staff after initial hesitations. Iconic aerial photographs, inspiring accounts from the farmers, one of whom was tasked with the management of the field, and a farmer-oriented Master Class on how to implement strip cropping on farms resulted in an increase in media coverage. This strongly increased the demand for knowledge by the researchers on pros and cons of the technology. The Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality included strip cropping as one of the promising options in her vision document, and a few farmers started implementing it on their farms, in some cases supported by blogs and vlogs that attracted further media attention.
Thus, from the initial focus on the production of knowledge (Field Experiment 7) the case study shifted attention to strengthening the network of farmers, their advisors and the researchers. In addition to ad hoc presentations and field visits by practicing farmers and researchers, a Master Class at an annual organic farm fair became a means to recruit participants for a 4-day strip cropping course during which concrete plans were elaborated for the participating farmers and teachers from agricultural schools. The administrative burden related to registering the strips for Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies was addressed and solved in collaboration with the Ministry authorities. The organic umbrella organization Bionext included strip cropping in its campaigns, further contributing to keeping the system in the news. As a spin-off, pixel cropping was developed at an experimental scale, and tested by a vegetable farmer on pixels of 1.5x1.5 m. The role of robots to support these developments became a topic of research and elaboration in practice.
From the research side, new projects were set up to continue the stream of new insights as inspiration for the farming community. Topics included for instance effects on general biodiversity (in addition to natural enemies and pollinators that had been investigated before), software tools to facilitate the design of spatio-temporal cropping systems, and meta-analyses on what constitute good neighbour crops. Strip cropping became part of a research initiative called ‘The farm of the future’ and of projects that aimed at reducing pesticide inputs in conventional cropping systems. In addition, field experiments on research farms were set up in different parts of the country. By 2022, the network of farmers had grown to approximately 50 that practiced, and several hundred with an active interest, as shown at meetings.
Solution investigated
Make available and share scientific and practical knowledge about strip cropping.
Expected outcome
- A learning network that allows for feedback from a group of involved actors, i.e. from farmers and other stakeholders in scientific experiments and from researchers in on-farm experiments;
- Identification of technical barriers and lock-ins;
- Investigation of machinery requirements;
- Sharing knowledge from continuing scientific studies on strip cropping and agrobiodiversity;
- Opening people’s eyes to unintended positive or negative effects;
- Increased social, policy and political awareness to strip farming as a solution for various social challenges;
Relevance to the DiverIMPACTS goals
The case study promoted and helped develop the practice of strip cropping as one of the crop diversification methods mentioned by the project. By developing this practice and helping farmers to apply the available knowledge, crop diversification in time, space and genes will enable the transition to diverse and robust cropping systems as a viable alternative to monocultures.
Case study legacy
Various projects will build on the achievements of DiverIMPACTS. Public-private partnerships will continue around crop diversification, agroforestry and better soil management. These all include strip cropping components. A large Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) project called CropMix that is part of the National Science Agenda will address the breeding, soil quality, agronomy and transformative aspects of strip cropping, driven by strong interactions between the research component and farmers and other agricultural actors. In the Horizon Europe program Agroecology-TRANSECT strip cropping is one of 11 Innovation Hubs in which farm networks in Europe are supported to achieve their ambitious goals on biodiversity, climate change mitigation and economic resilience. In this project, the co-innovation approach is a central methodological element at both the project and the innovation hub level to ensure inclusive innovation.
Further information
- Poster on strip cropping (Dutch)
- General information on strip cropping in research in The Netherlands
- Strip cropping in practice (Dutch)
- Article and video: More nature in fields through strip cropping (Dutch and English)
- Strip cropping presentation for PhD students and ReMIX researchers by Lenora Ditzler
- Multiple and strip cropping contribute to biodiversity (Dutch)
- Strip cropping means back to basics (Dutch)
- Organic sector is starting to mix more and more crops (Dutch)
- To which extent will the role of technology change? (Dutch)
Scientific paper
- Spatial and genetic crop diversity support ecosystem service delivery: A case of yield and biocontrol in Dutch organic cabbage production
- Redefining the field to mobilize three-dimensional diversity and ecosystem services on the arable farm
- Automating Agroecology: How to design a farming robot without a monocultural mindset?
Case study team
- Laurens Nuijten, Bionext, case study leader
- Walter Rossing, WUR, case study monitor