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Systerre® - Evaluating cropping systems, designing innovative and multi-performing alternatives

The video explains how SYSTERRE® is used to assess cropping systems and design innovative and multi-performing alternatives. In a context where agriculture is confronted with different challenges, the "ideal" cropping system does not exist. Improving performance on one criterion by using a single leverage inevitably impacts the other criteria positively or negatively. Farming is a complex system that must be considered as a whole in order to optimize its strategy and then act in the best possible way, with full knowledge of the facts.

Developed by ARVALIS – Institut du vegetal, SYSTERRE® is a tool used to describe practices and calculate a set of indicators designed to assess the technical, economic and environmental performance of crop production on an arable, mixed crop/livestock, arboricultural or agroforestry farm. This strategic decision support tool is used for farm advisory services, student training, as well as experimenting with cropping systems.

SYSTERRE® opens up the possibility of developing the most promising strategies for a particular context or of offering individualised advice on the theme "My multi-performing cropping system".

SYSTERRE® is a pillar of the multi-criteria evaluation in the DiverIMPACTS project.

Further information Systerre® - Evaluating cropping systems, designing innovative and multi-performing alternatives

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